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Axxell's mission, policy, vision and values


Axxell offers education that responds to the needs of the individual, working life and society.


  • We constantly improve our operation
  • We offer education that improves the vocational skills and competences and strengthens the competitiveness
  • We encourage independent thinking and own responsibility
  • We guard comfort and a safe and secure working environment
  • We pay attention to sustainable development and work to reduce the strain on the environment


Axxell educates and is innovative together with the working life. All students make plans for their career and gets work. Axxell is a leading participant in national and international networks.

Axxell has a creative working environment where wellbeing, participation and communication leads our way of work. Each co-worker takes responsibility for his/her part in our task and his/her own development of competences

Axxell is a learning organization with a modern pedagogical view that is put into effect though flexible methods and study paths. Axxell promotes the learning, know-how and development of students

Axxell has an ICT environment that is easily accessible for all. We have competent staff that uses modern and contemporary tools to promote their own and their students’ work, learning and development.


We are genuinely interested in our students and our work
Sustainable development
We take into account ecological, finansial, social and cultural sustainability
We respect everyone regardless of gender, sexuality, age, origin, language, religion, conviction, opinion, health, disability or other reason relating to his/her person
Positive general view of others
We assume that everyone can learn and develop. We actively work to strengthen the self-esteem and to support the well-being. We support and mentor each other to find the purpose of existence, to take responsibility and to make good choices. We allow failure and give each other new opportunities.