ePrivacy and GPDR Cookie Consent by Cookie Consent


Robert Stolpe

044-739 7262

Application process

Fyll i den elektroniska blanketten nedan för att söka till utbildningen.

Observera följande förhandskrav:

För att kunna antas till den utbildning som som startar i augusti krävs att den sökande har behörighetsbrev för vaktman däck.

Utbildningen som startar i januari har inga förhandskrav. Utbildningen startar i januari 2025.

Ansökan till utbildningen som startar i augusti

Detta är ansökningsblanketten för utbildningen som startar i augusti. Observera att för att kunna antas till utbildningen som startar i augusti krävs att du har behörighetsbrev för vaktman. 


Fill in the form and click "Proceed". Carefully check the information and send the application by clicking "Send Application". Please note, that the form is not sent until you have clicked "Send Application". For more information, click Terms of application

We will contact you when the application period ends. Fill in the application form and klick "Proceed". You will be taken to a page where the information you filled in the form can be checked. Make sure the information is correct, then click "Send Application". If the process is successful, you will see a message box with the text ”Application Successful” on the screen. An e-mail will also be sent to the e-mail adress you have provided. If you do not receive the e-mail, the application has not been successful, please try again or contact ansokan@axxell.fi. The information in the form is saved in Axxells education management system Visma Primus, see privacy policy (in Swedish and Finnish). Please fill in the form carefully and correctly. If you have any questions, please contact ansokan@axxell.fi. By sending the form, you also accept the terms of cancellation (in Swedish and Finnish).

Fill in your date of birth and social security number. Fill the datefield in the form dd.mm.yyyy (eg. 23.03.2000). Enter the full social security number, including the " - " or the " A " sign. If you have a social security number from a country other than Finland, leave the social security number field blank.

Previous Degree/s
Do you have a degree in secondary education? (Degree Certificate from the high school, undergraduate, vocational qualification or specialist qualification. Specify below previous studies.

Ansökan till utbildningen som startar i januari

Detta är ansökningsblanketten för utbildningen som startar i januari. Utbildningen har inga förhandskrav.


Fill in the form and click "Proceed". Carefully check the information and send the application by clicking "Send Application". Please note, that the form is not sent until you have clicked "Send Application". For more information, click Terms of application

We will contact you when the application period ends. Fill in the application form and klick "Proceed". You will be taken to a page where the information you filled in the form can be checked. Make sure the information is correct, then click "Send Application". If the process is successful, you will see a message box with the text ”Application Successful” on the screen. An e-mail will also be sent to the e-mail adress you have provided. If you do not receive the e-mail, the application has not been successful, please try again or contact ansokan@axxell.fi. The information in the form is saved in Axxells education management system Visma Primus, see privacy policy (in Swedish and Finnish). Please fill in the form carefully and correctly. If you have any questions, please contact ansokan@axxell.fi. By sending the form, you also accept the terms of cancellation (in Swedish and Finnish).

Fill in your date of birth and social security number. Fill the datefield in the form dd.mm.yyyy (eg. 23.03.2000). Enter the full social security number, including the " - " or the " A " sign. If you have a social security number from a country other than Finland, leave the social security number field blank.

Previous Degree/s
Do you have a degree in secondary education? (Degree Certificate from the high school, undergraduate, vocational qualification or specialist qualification. Specify below previous studies.